About me

Thomas TiemeierYou’re browsing through the blog of Thomas Tiemeier, born 1968 in Minden / Westphalia, grown up in the slightly sluggish but liveable spa town of Bad Oeynhausen.
A few years ago a North German girl (called ‘Deern’ here) picked me up on her way from the Hessian exile to her home port. I did not just fall in love with the woman but also with the expanse of the Wesermarsch and the softloy pulsating city of Oldenburg where I live today.

My professional activity has become IT somehow, and despite a not to be underestimated aversion I never changed this. Partly due to convenience, partly due to external pressures, surely through an absent last quantum of self-confidence that would be necessary for an initial turning command.
Doesn’t matter – my preferences seem to me like an antithesis to the daily life’s technocratic delusion: literature, blessed music, and curiosity for social micro- and macrocosms.